Download TP.VST59S.PC1 Firmware Software [All Resolutions]

Hello, friends! Today, we are excited to present you with all the resolution software options for the TP.VST59S.PC1 universal LED TV board. We’ve tested every resolution to ensure quality and compatibility. Before diving in, please make sure to read our guide on how to install software on the TP.VST59S.PC1 universal board. This will help you avoid any issues during installation.

Welcome to the official teckwiki blog! Our mission is to provide you with free, fully tested Universal LED TV board software. While we’ve ensured these software options are reliable, please use them at your own risk. If you encounter any problems after installation, we cannot be held responsible. Thank you for your understanding.

The TP.VST59S.PC1 is an analog TV control board designed for the Asia-Pacific and Middle East markets. This combo board integrates the power supply, LED driver, and TV board into one unit. It features an energy-efficient, ultra-thin DC-line switching power supply unit with a maximum input of 85W/115VAC and a multi-output of 75 watts. It is compatible with LED backlight TFT panel screens ranging from 26 to 42 inches. Additionally, its USB interface supports multimedia playback and software updates.

TP.VST59S.PC1 Universal LED TV Board Software (All Resolutions)

How to Update Firmware on TP.VST59S.PC1 Board

  1. Prepare a USB Drive: Format your USB drive to FAT32.
  2. Copy Firmware: Copy the firmware file to the USB drive.
  3. Insert USB Drive: Plug the USB drive into the USB port on your LED TV.
  4. Power On: Turn on the TV and wait until the IR indicator LED stops flashing.
  5. Finish: Unplug the USB drive and enjoy your updated firmware!

Service Menu Code: Menu+1147

TP.VST59S.PC1 Firmware Software Download Links

Card File Description Download Link
TP.VST59S.PC1 TP.VST59S.PC1-1366×768 MIRROR-SiR620D General Download
TP.VST59S.PC1 TP.VST59S.PC1-1366×768-SiR620D General Download
TP.VST59S.PC1 TP.VST59S.PC1-1920×1080-M90 KA03 MIRROR General Download
TP.VST59S.PC1 TP.VST59S.PC1-1920×1080 -General Download
Anis Shah
Anis Shah
Anis Shah is an experienced Electronics Technician with 6 years of professional experience in the field. He has a strong understanding of electronic devices and is skilled in repairing, maintaining, and troubleshooting various electronic systems. Anis loves to write about Electronics.


  1. Salut,
    J’ai une TV Haier modèle 55e5500u qui s’allume et s’éteint. Je veux savoir lequel choisir parmi toutes ces solutions


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