TP.MT5510I.PC821 Firmware Free Download

Hi, Technicians, I hope you will be fine. So On this topic, We have some Bin files for TP.MT5510I.PC821 Firmware in some resolution files. So if you are interested to download the Firmware Software TP.MT5510I.PC821 Smart LED TV Board then here you can easily. The Software Firmware is USB Updatable, which means we do have not a Bios Programmer or anything more to update or install this TP.MT5510I.PC821 Firmware Chinese Smart LED TV board.

TP.MT5510I.PC821 a Chinese Board designed for Smart LED TVs. We use it on LED TVs as a mainboard. This SmartBoard comes with Quad-Core Processor. TP.MT5510I.PC821 LED TV Board uses the Latest Version of the Android 7.0 Operating System. It supports 1920×1080 Resolutions and 1 GB Ram, 4GB / 8 GB ROM. SmartBoard also has a WiFi wireless system and RJ45 Connector Wired Network System to connect the Internet with this LED TV Board.

Guys, This is mostly used in Asian markets, SO if you have this board also or if you are looking for the firmware for this board then this is a great website for you. You don’t need to search everywhere on the Internet. We also provide firmware Chinese LED TV Board IFrmware files on request. So if you want to get any firmware freely on this site then you can also request us, and we will upload your required model firmware as soon as possible. But today’s target is just TP.MT5510I.PC821 Firmware for Free Download. You can download it by going to the download table.

TP.MT5510I.PC821 Firmware
TP.MT5510I.PC821 Firmware Free Download

TP.MT5510I.PC821 Specifications

Main Board ModelTP.MT5510I.PC821
Main Board BrandChinese Smart LED TV Board
Operating PlatformAndroid
Operating SystemAndoird 7.0
Max Resolutions1920×1080
Panel Size Supported42 to 50 inch
CPU – Central Processing UnitQuad Core
GPU – Graphics Processing UnitDual Core
Ram in GB1 Gigabyte
ROM in GB4 and 8 Gigabyte
WiFi SupportYES
RJ 45 ConnectorYES
USB, HDMI, VGA, A/V, and More2 Ports
4 and 8 Gigabytes3 Ports
Other PortsUSB, HDMI, VGA, A/V and More
USB UpdateableHDMI Ports
Input Voltages220V AC

TP.MT5510I.PC821 Firmware Download

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Anis Shah
Anis Shah
Anis Shah is an experienced Electronics Technician with 6 years of professional experience in the field. He has a strong understanding of electronic devices and is skilled in repairing, maintaining, and troubleshooting various electronic systems. Anis loves to write about Electronics.


  1. TP.MT5510I.PC821 this firmware mam ,sir what the type of files should I install the my Led tv what types of files? Bin? IMG? Or what?


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