HomeFirmwareTVToshiba TV Firmware Download: 115+ Models Covered

Toshiba TV Firmware Download: 115+ Models Covered

When it comes to older Toshiba TV models, finding the correct firmware can be a challenge. Many firmware updates are no longer available on the official site, especially for older versions, as manufacturers tend to focus on newer products. That’s why we’ve compiled this complete list of Toshiba TV firmware files, covering 115+ models. This post will help technicians and users easily access and update the firmware to repair or enhance the performance of their TVs.

Why Toshiba TV Firmware is Important

Firmware updates are essential because they address issues within your TV’s operating system and hardware communication. Without the correct firmware, various problems can arise, such as:

  • Display Issues: Image freezing, color inaccuracies, or blurry visuals.
  • Sound Problems: Distorted or no sound output.
  • Unresponsive Functions: Slow remote commands or unresponsive features.
  • Connectivity Problems: Inability to connect via HDMI, USB, or Wi-Fi.

By updating your TV with the right firmware, you can restore its functionality, resolve bugs, and ensure long-term stability.

How to Update Toshiba TV Firmware

If you’re new to the firmware update process, here’s a simple guide to walk you through it:

1. Identify Your Toshiba TV Model

First, check your TV’s model number. You can usually find it on the back of the TV or in the settings menu. Once you have the model number, search for the appropriate firmware file in the table below.

2. Download the Firmware

Scroll through the firmware table below and download the correct file for your Toshiba TV model. Be sure to select the exact match, as installing the wrong firmware could cause issues.

3. Transfer Firmware to a USB Drive

Once downloaded, copy the firmware file to a USB drive. Make sure the USB drive is formatted as FAT32, which is generally required for Toshiba TV firmware installations.

4. Connect USB to TV

Turn off your TV and insert the USB drive into one of the available USB ports on your Toshiba TV. Once plugged in, turn the TV back on and follow any on-screen instructions to start the firmware update.

5. Complete the Update Process

The update process will begin automatically if your TV detects the firmware file. Do not unplug the USB or turn off the TV during this time, as doing so could result in system errors.

6. Restart Your TV

After the update is complete, your Toshiba TV will restart. You should now notice improved performance and functionality, with issues like slow response times or connectivity problems resolved.

Toshiba TV Firmware Download Table

Here’s a comprehensive table containing firmware for over 115 Toshiba TV models. Simply find your model number and click on the download link.

01TOSHIBA 15SLDT1Download
02TOSHIBA 15V300PRDownload
03TOSHIBA 19AV500PDownload
04TOSHIBA 19AV703RDownload
05TOSHIBA 19AV704RDownload
06TOSHIBA 19DL833RDownload
07TOSHIBA 19DV703RDownload
08TOSHIBA 19EL833RDownload
09TOSHIBA 19EL933RBDownload
10TOSHIBA 19EL934RBDownload
11TOSHIBA 19HV10GDownload
12TOSHIBA 19HV10V1Download
13TOSHIBA 20CL7RDownload
14TOSHIBA 20JL7RDownload
15TOSHIBA 22AV606PRDownload
16TOSHIBA 22AV703RDownload
17TOSHIBA 22DL833RDownload
18TOSHIBA 22DL834RDownload
19TOSHIBA 22DV703RDownload
20TOSHIBA 22DV704RDownload
21TOSHIBA 22L1353RDownload
22TOSHIBA 23EL933RKDownload
23TOSHIBA 23KL933RDownload
24TOSHIBA 24HV10EDownload
25TOSHIBA 24S1650EVDownload
26TOSHIBA 26AV500PDownload
27TOSHIBA 26AV500PRDownload
28TOSHIBA 26AV603PRDownload
29TOSHIBA 26AV704RDownload
30TOSHIBA 26EL933GDownload
31TOSHIBA 26EL933RBDownload
32TOSHIBA 26EL934GDownload
33TOSHIBA 26KL933RDownload
34TOSHIBA 26WL65RSDownload
35TOSHIBA 27WL55RDownload
36TOSHIBA 29CZ8URBDownload
37TOSHIBA 32A3000PRDownload
38TOSHIBA 32AV605PRDownload
39TOSHIBA 32AV700EDownload
40TOSHIBA 32AV703RDownload
41TOSHIBA 32AV833GDownload
42TOSHIBA 32AV833RBDownload
43TOSHIBA 32AV933RBDownload
44TOSHIBA 32CV500PRDownload
45TOSHIBA 32DL833RDownload
46TOSHIBA 32DV703RDownload
47TOSHIBA 32EL834RDownload
48TOSHIBA 32EL933RBDownload
49TOSHIBA 32EL934GDownload
50TOSHIBA 32EL934RBDownload
51TOSHIBA 32HL933RKDownload
52TOSHIBA 32HV10GDownload
53TOSHIBA 32KL933RDownload
54TOSHIBA 32L2353RBDownload
55TOSHIBA 32L2353RKDownload
56TOSHIBA 32L2453RBDownload
57TOSHIBA 32L4333DDownload
58TOSHIBA 32L4353RBDownload
59TOSHIBA 32LV833RBDownload
60TOSHIBA 32LV933GDownload
61TOSHIBA 32LV933RBDownload
62TOSHIBA 32PB1V1Download
63TOSHIBA 32PB200V1Download
64TOSHIBA 32RL938Download
65TOSHIBA 32S1645EVDownload
66TOSHIBA 32S1750EVDownload
67TOSHIBA 32S2550EVDownload
68TOSHIBA 32S2750EVDownload
69TOSHIBA 32S2855ECDownload
70TOSHIBA 32S2855ESDownload
71TOSHIBA 32W1753DGDownload
72TOSHIBA 32W2453Download
73TOSHIBA 32W2453RKDownload
74TOSHIBA 32W2454Download
75TOSHIBA 32W3433DGDownload
76TOSHIBA 32W3453RDownload
77TOSHIBA 32WL66RDownload
78TOSHIBA 37WL55RDownload
79TOSHIBA 39L2333DDownload
80TOSHIBA 39L2353RBDownload
81TOSHIBA 39L4353RBDownload
82TOSHIBA 39P2300DDownload
83TOSHIBA 39P2306EVDownload
84TOSHIBA 40BV700BDownload
85TOSHIBA 40HL933RKDownload
86TOSHIBA 40L1343DGDownload
87TOSHIBA 40L1533Download
88TOSHIBA 40L2453RKDownload
89TOSHIBA 40L2454RKDownload
90TOSHIBA 40L3453RDownload
91TOSHIBA 40L6353RKDownload
92TOSHIBA 40L7356RKDownload
93TOSHIBA 40LV655PKDownload
94TOSHIBA 40LV703RDownload
95TOSHIBA 40LV833GDownload
96TOSHIBA 40LV933GDownload
97TOSHIBA 40LV933RBDownload
98TOSHIBA 40PU201V1Download
99TOSHIBA 40RL953RBDownload
100TOSHIBA 40S1750EVDownload
101TOSHIBA 40TL938Download
102TOSHIBA 40TL968Download
103TOSHIBA 42AV500PRDownload
104TOSHIBA 42AV501PRDownload
105TOSHIBA 42DB833RDownload
106TOSHIBA 42L7453DDownload
107TOSHIBA 42VL963RDownload
108TOSHIBA 43L3763DGDownload
109TOSHIBA 43S2750EVDownload
110TOSHIBA 43U7752EVDownload
111TOSHIBA 43V5863DGDownload
112TOSHIBA 46TL938Download
113TOSHIBA 48L3433DGDownload
114TOSHIBA 48L3663DGDownload
115TOSHIBA 50L2353RKDownload

Reminder: Make sure the firmware version matches your specific Toshiba TV model before proceeding with the installation.

Common Issues Resolved by Toshiba TV Firmware Updates

Many common issues can be addressed by simply updating the firmware. Some of the most frequent problems include:

  • Screen Flickering: An update often resolves issues with display flickering or picture stability.
  • Audio Sync Problems: If your TV’s audio is out of sync with the video, updating the firmware may fix this bug.
  • Slow Performance: If your TV’s interface is sluggish, a firmware update can improve speed and responsiveness.
  • Connectivity Fixes: If HDMI, USB, or Wi-Fi ports aren’t working correctly, updating the firmware can often restore functionality.

Tips for Safe Firmware Installation

Here are some tips to ensure your firmware update goes smoothly:

  1. Stable Power Supply: Keep the TV connected to a stable power source throughout the update process. Interruptions may result in errors.
  2. Use the Correct USB Format: Always format your USB drive as FAT32 before copying the firmware file. Other formats may not be compatible with the TV.
  3. Double-Check the Firmware Version: Ensure that the firmware file matches your TV model to avoid compatibility issues.


Updating your Toshiba TV firmware can help resolve common issues and improve performance. With our complete collection of firmware for 100+ models, you can easily find and install the correct firmware for your Toshiba TV. Follow the instructions carefully, and you’ll have your TV up and running in no time.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

Firmware for other TV brands:

Anis Shah
Anis Shahhttps://www.teckwiki.com/
Anis Shah is an experienced Electronics Technician with 6 years of professional experience in the field. He has a strong understanding of electronic devices and is skilled in repairing, maintaining, and troubleshooting various electronic systems. Anis loves to write about Electronics.


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