HomeFirmwareTVMystery TV Firmware Download

Mystery TV Firmware Download [138+ Models]

If you’re looking for firmware updates for your Mystery TV, you’ve come to the right place. Firmware updates can help resolve common issues, enhance performance, and even unlock new features. In this post, we provide the firmware files for over 138 Mystery TV models, along with a simple installation guide.

Why Update Your Mystery TV Firmware?

Firmware updates are essential for keeping your TV running smoothly. They fix bugs, improve system stability, and may add new features or enhance picture quality. If you’re experiencing issues like system crashes, lag, or apps not working, a firmware update might be the solution.

How to Download Mystery TV Firmware

We have made the firmware download process easy for you. Simply find your TV model in the table below and click the download link to get the firmware file.

NOFileDownload Link
01MYSTERY MTV-1324LT2 V4N09Download
02MYSTERY MTV-1605WDownload
03MYSTERY MTV-1607WDownload
04MYSTERY MTV-1608W V1J07Download
05MYSTERY MTV-1611LWDownload
06MYSTERY MTV-1614LWDownload
07MYSTERY MTV-1621LDDownload
08MYSTERY MTV-1623LWDownload
09MYSTERY MTV-1628LWDownload
10MYSTERY MTV-1629LWDownload
11MYSTERY MTV-1907WDownload
12MYSTERY MTV-1911LW V3K04Download
13MYSTERY MTV-1911LWDownload
14MYSTERY MTV-1911WLDownload
15MYSTERY MTV-1913LWDownload
16MYSTERY MTV-1914LWDownload
17MYSTERY MTV-1918LWDownload
18MYSTERY MTV-1920LWDownload
19MYSTERY MTV-1921LDDownload
20MYSTERY MTV-1922LWDownload
21MYSTERY MTV-1923LWDownload
22MYSTERY MTV-1924LT2Download
23MYSTERY MTV-1924LWDownload
24MYSTERY MTV-1929LT2Download
25MYSTERY MTV-2204WDownload
26MYSTERY MTV-2210LWDownload
27MYSTERY MTV-2211LWDownload
28MYSTERY MTV-2211WDownload
29MYSTERY MTV-2213LWDownload
30MYSTERY MTV-2214LWDownload
31MYSTERY MTV-2216WDDownload
32MYSTERY MTV-2218LWDownload
33MYSTERY MTV-2220LWDownload
34MYSTERY MTV-2221LDDownload
35MYSTERY MTV-2222LWDownload
36MYSTERY MTV-2223LT2Download
37MYSTERY MTV-2224LT2Download
38MYSTERY MTV-2224LWDownload
39MYSTERY MTV-2228LT2Download
40MYSTERY MTV-2229LT2 2Download
41MYSTERY MTV-2229LT2Download
42MYSTERY MTV-2231LT2 V1P01Download
43MYSTERY MTV-2231LT2Download
44MYSTERY MTV-2410LWDownload
45MYSTERY MTV-2411LWDownload
46MYSTERY MTV-2414LWDownload
47MYSTERY MTV-2419LWDownload
48MYSTERY MTV-2421LDDownload
49MYSTERY MTV-2422LWDownload
50MYSTERY MTV-2423LT2 V3R03Download
51MYSTERY MTV-2423LT2Download
52MYSTERY MTV-2423LW V2N11Download
53MYSTERY MTV-2423LWDownload
54MYSTERY MTV-2424LT2Download
55MYSTERY MTV-2424LWDownload
56MYSTERY MTV-2425LWDownload
57MYSTERY MTV-2426LT2Download
58MYSTERY MTV-2428LT2Download
59MYSTERY MTV-2429LT2Download
60MYSTERY MTV-2429LTA2Download
61MYSTERY MTV-2430LTA2 (V3P12)Download
62MYSTERY MTV-2430LTA2Download
63MYSTERY MTV-2431LT2 V3Q07Download
64MYSTERY MTV-2431LT2Download
65MYSTERY MTV-2433LTDownload
66MYSTERY MTV-2606WDownload
67MYSTERY MTV-2607WDownload
68MYSTERY MTV-2611LWDownload
69MYSTERY MTV-2614LWDownload
70MYSTERY MTV-2615LWDownload
71MYSTERY MTV-2618LWDownload
72MYSTERY MTV-2620LWDownload
73MYSTERY MTV-2824LT2Download
74MYSTERY MTV-3012WDownload
75MYSTERY MTV-3018LWDownload
76MYSTERY MTV-3022LWDownload
77MYSTERY MTV-3023LT2Download
78MYSTERY MTV-3028LT2Download
79MYSTERY MTV-3029LT2Download
80MYSTERY MTV-3031LT2Download
81MYSTERY MTV-3206WDownload
82MYSTERY MTV-3207WDownload
83MYSTERY MTV-3209WDownload
84MYSTERY MTV-3210WDownload
85MYSTERY MTV-3213LWDownload
86MYSTERY MTV-3214LWDownload
87MYSTERY MTV-3215LWDownload
88MYSTERY MTV-3217LWDownload
89MYSTERY MTV-3218LT2 (V2N06)Download
90MYSTERY MTV-3218LW V4L10Download
91MYSTERY MTV-3218LWDownload
92MYSTERY MTV-3219LWDownload
93MYSTERY MTV-3220LWDownload
94MYSTERY MTV-3221LW (V1L08)Download
95MYSTERY MTV-3222LW – V2L09Download
96MYSTERY MTV-3222LWDownload
97MYSTERY MTV-3223LT2 (V1M10)Download
98MYSTERY MTV-3223LT2Download
99MYSTERY MTV-3224LT2Download
100MYSTERY MTV-3224LWDownload
101MYSTERY MTV-3225LT2Download
102MYSTERY MTV-3225LWDownload
103MYSTERY MTV-3226LT2Download
104MYSTERY MTV-3227LT2Download
105MYSTERY MTV-3228LT2Download
106MYSTERY MTV-3230LT2 V11T11Download
107MYSTERY MTV-3230LVDownload
108MYSTERY MTV-3230LWDownload
109MYSTERY MTV-3231LT2 (V5Q12)Download
110MYSTERY MTV-3231LT2 (V5S02)Download
111MYSTERY MTV-3231LTA2Download
112MYSTERY MTV-3231LWDownload
113MYSTERY MTV-3233LT2 V2T10Download
114MYSTERY MTV-3233LT2Download
115MYSTERY MTV-4018LT2Download
116MYSTERY MTV-4018LWDownload
117MYSTERY MTV-4019LWDownload
118MYSTERY MTV-4022LT2Download
119MYSTERY MTV-4022LWDownload
120MYSTERY MTV-4023LWDownload
121MYSTERY MTV-4025LT2Download
122MYSTERY MTV-4026LT2Download
123MYSTERY MTV-4028LT2Download
124MYSTERY MTV-4028LTA2Download
125MYSTERY MTV-4029LTA2Download
126MYSTERY MTV-4030LT2Download
127MYSTERY MTV-4031LT2Download
128MYSTERY MTV-4031LTA2Download
129MYSTERY MTV-4128LTA2Download
130MYSTERY MTV-4129LT2 (V2N05)Download
131MYSTERY MTV-4129LT2 (V5P06)Download
132MYSTERY MTV-4214LWDownload
133MYSTERY MTV-4217LWDownload
134MYSTERY MTV-4225LT2Download
135MYSTERY MTV-4324LT2Download
136MYSTERY MTV-4330LT2Download
137MYSTERY MTV-4618LWDownload
138MYSTERY MTV-4829LTA2Download

Note: For more information on the sources of these files and how to properly handle them, please refer to our Firmware and Resources Information page.

How to Install Mystery TV Firmware

  1. Download the Correct Firmware: Ensure you download the correct firmware file for your TV model from the table above.
  2. Prepare a USB Drive: Format a USB drive (FAT32 format recommended) and transfer the downloaded firmware file to the root of the drive.
  3. Plug the USB into Your TV: Insert the USB drive into one of the USB ports on your Mystery TV.
  4. Enter Update Mode: Use your TV remote to navigate to the settings menu. Go to the system update or firmware update option.
  5. Start the Update: Select the option to update from a USB drive, and your TV will begin reading the file. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  6. Wait for Completion: The update process may take a few minutes. Do not turn off the TV or remove the USB drive until the update is complete.
  7. Restart Your TV: After the update, the TV will restart, and you should be running the latest firmware.

Important Notes

  • Back up Settings: Before updating, make sure to note down or back up your TV settings.
  • Power Supply: Ensure your TV is connected to a stable power source during the update to prevent interruptions.

Firmware Benefits

Updating your Mystery TV firmware helps in resolving:

  • Slow performance
  • Picture or sound quality issues
  • App malfunctions
  • System crashes or freezing

With these simple steps, your Mystery TV will run better, offering an improved viewing experience.

Links to get firmware files for other TV brands:

Anis Shah
Anis Shahhttps://www.teckwiki.com/
Anis Shah is an experienced Electronics Technician with 6 years of professional experience in the field. He has a strong understanding of electronic devices and is skilled in repairing, maintaining, and troubleshooting various electronic systems. Anis loves to write about Electronics.


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