JUC7.820.00081373 All Firmware Files Free Download

Hi, Today we will provide you the JUC7.820.00081373 Firmware/Software for All TV models that are using this LCD/LED TV Board in their TV as a mainboard. So this board comes in various LCD/LED TV brands and we will try to best to share with you all the FIrmware that are tested by our technicians. The JUC7.820.00081373 Software for Changhong Ruba, Geant, Polaroid, and other brand models software is included in this collection. So now you can download the software firmware from the table below.

JUC7.820.00081373 Firmware Software
JUC7.820.00081373 Firmware Software

JUC7.820.00081373 Firmware Download

File DescriptionDownload Link
JUC7.820.00081373-Changhong Ruba-1366×768Download
JUC7.820.00081373-Geant 28 GN 2000Download
JUC7.820.00081373-Polaroid 32Download
Anis Shah
Anis Shahhttps://www.teckwiki.com/
Anis Shah is an experienced Electronics Technician with 6 years of professional experience in the field. He has a strong understanding of electronic devices and is skilled in repairing, maintaining, and troubleshooting various electronic systems. Anis loves to write about Electronics.



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