TP.RT2982.PB801 Firmware Free Download

TP.RT2982.PB801 Firmware: Hey Guys This is a new post on teckwiki. Here In this post, you will get the firmware files for the latest 4k Android LED TV board that is TP.RT2982.PB801. So guys here you can download all TP.RT2982.PB801 Firmware resolution for free of cost. Many people search for this on Google and they can’t find it, I know because this is only a site that provides tested and genuine LED TV Firmware files.

As you guys today we are providing TP.RT2982.PB801 All the latest Firmware/Software files in all resolutions for all panel sizes that can support this mainboard. We will give you the firmware and also tell you how to download and update the firmware in TP.RT2982.PB801 Smart main Board. So are you ready? well, guys, one thing to keep in mind, please. I would say, use this software at your own risk because many peoples update the firmware is not a proper way and it is not our responsibility. I am sure you can understand this.

TP.RT2982.PB801 Firmware
TP.RT2982.PB801 Firmware

TP.RT2982.PB801 Specifications

Supported Resolution1920×1080
Operating SystemAndroid 4.4
CPU4-Core A7 1GHz
RAM512 MB of DDR

How to Download TP.RT2982.PB801 Firmware

Do you want to download TP.RT2982.PB801 Firmware? first, you need to see your TV panel datasheet to ensure the resolution of the panel. If you know the resolution and the model of your screen panel. then Please go download the table and then find your required model there. If you found then click o the download button. And that’s it after clicking the download button, the firmware file will start the download.

How to Update TP.RT2982.PB801 Firmware

It is a very easy process to install/update the firmware. You just need a proper guide about it. And I will give you the proper guidance. Here I am showing some easy steps by following them you will be able to install/update the firmware easily. You will not face any problems if you follow every step carefully. You must keep in mind if you do any mistake then it will be your loss, the teckwiki team will not be responsible for this.

  • First, to install the firmware you need a USB Disk, Take any 2.0 USB Flash
  • Download the firmware and extract it, Move the Bin file from the extracted folder
  • Here the USB Flash is ready, Now go to the TV and Plug the USB into the mainboard
  • Now power on LD TV and press the main button, after that wait for some seconds
  • After waiting for the file will start loading and red led will start blinking
  • When it stops blinking and led goes to sleep, remove your Flash Disk
  • And start the LED TV, S.W is installed Enjoy!

TP.RT2982.PB801 Firmware Download

Here is the final download table, download any resolution from the table. The downloaded file will be a RAR file. You should use WinRAR to extract the RAR file to get the Bin file.

  • TP.RT2982.PB801-1980×1020-Samsung | Download
  • TP.RT2982.PB801_1366x768_Flip | Download
  • TP.RT2982.PB801_1366x768_Samsung | Download
  • TP.RT2982.PB801_1920x1080 | Download
  • TP.RT2982.PB801_Haier_LE32B3500W | Download

Useful Links

So guys how was the download experience from this site? I am sure you had never seen this type of downloading before. If you found any type of problem during the download please let me know by the comment box. Our team is trying to avail a maximum of LED TV Board Model firmware files, and we are also trying to do this as soon as possible. You can help us by giving suggestions about the firmware files. So the comment box is waiting for you to tell us everything you want.

Anis Shah
Anis Shah
Anis Shah is an experienced Electronics Technician with 6 years of professional experience in the field. He has a strong understanding of electronic devices and is skilled in repairing, maintaining, and troubleshooting various electronic systems. Anis loves to write about Electronics.


  1. TP.RT2982.PB801
    maine is bord mein TP.RT2982.PB801_1366x768_Samsung.part1,2
    insttal kiya hai tv toh theek chalta hai par baki saare app bahut jyada hang hote hain
    kya iska 4.4 android version change ho sakta hai


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