HomeRemote ControlProgramming GE Universal Remote Codes For Polaroid TV

Programming GE Universal Remote Codes For Polaroid TV

Are you looking for GE Universal Remote codes for your Polaroid TV? Then you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we will provide you with all the necessary information about how to find and use these codes. We’ll also explain how you can use them to optimize your viewing experience. So read on and find out more about GE Universal Remote codes for Polaroid TVs.

What Are GE Universal Remote Codes?

GE universal remote codes are numbers that are used to program various electronic devices, like televisions, DVD players, satellite receivers, and more. These codes allow users to control any device that is connected to a television set so they can access programs or change settings in an easy and convenient way.

List Of GE Universal Remote Codes For Polaroid TV

Remote ModelCode TypeCodes
Pre-20063 digit codes214 173 133 116 182 029
2006-20114 digit codes V11177 1169 1162 1025 0214 0182 0173 0133 1019 1136 0116 0029
2011-2012Mixed V2/V45081 5110 5173 5252 5278 5284 5348 5371 5468
4 digit codes V25081 5110 5173 5252 5278 5284 5348 5371 5468
4 digit codes V45081 5110 5173 5252 5278 5284 5348 5371 5468
New ModelsMixed V3/V5/CL3/CL4/CL5/CL62401 5541 0191 6491 4631 0581 5411 1241 1961 2081 6101 2271 2311 2451 5131
4 digit codes V30191 0581 1241 2081 2271 2311 2401 2451 3741 4631 5131
4 digit codes V50191 0581 1241 2081 2271 2311 2401 2451 3741 4631 5131
CL32401 4631 0191 5411 0581 1961 1241 2081 2271 2311 3741 2451 5131
CL42401 5541 4631 0191 5411 1961 0581 2271 6101 2311 2451 5131
CL52401 5541 6491 4631 0191 5411 1961 0581 6101 2271 2311 2451 5131
CL62401 5541 6491 4631 0191 5411 1961 0581 6101 2271 2311 2451 5131
GE Universal Remote Codes For Polaroid TV

How To Program a GE Universal Remote to a Polaroid TV

If you’re looking for a step-by-step guide on programming your GE Universal Remote control for your Polaroid TV, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Find the correct code for your particular model.
  2. Enter the four-digit code into both the universal remote and television set then presses the ‘enter’ or ‘power’ button in order to activate it.
  3. Test basic functions like changing volume or channels to make sure everything is working correctly.
  4. If necessary, adjust any settings such as brightness or contrast before moving on to more complex tasks (if applicable).
  5. Double-check that both the dust cover and battery compartment are securely fastened before attempting any programming steps.

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Make sure that the batteries in your remote are installed correctly and have a good charge.
  2. Check to make sure you have the right programming code for your Polaroid TV model. You can find this online or in the instructions manual of your remote control and/or television.
  3. Carefully follow all instructions on how to program your remote, as each step is important and must be completed in order for it to work properly.
  4. After programming, test out all the buttons on your remote to ensure that they are working correctly and with the correct device. If a button doesn’t work, repeat the program once more and check again.
  5. Double-check to make sure that both television and cable box (if applicable) are powered off before you begin the programming process, as this can cause interference with their connection otherwise.

Tips & Tricks

  • Check this page for codes that have been tested and confirmed to work with certain brands and models of TVs.
  • Search online for other readily available sources of universal remote codes such as blogs, forums, or even YouTube videos.
  • Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer carefully when setting up your remote.
  • Test basic functions like changing volume or channels before moving on to more complex tasks (if applicable).
  • Consult local technicians for help and advice on specific models.
  • Double-check things like batteries and dust cover before attempting any programming steps.


How do you program a GE universal remote to a Polaroid TV?

To program a GE universal remote to a Polaroid TV, you’ll need to first find the right code for your TV model. Once you have the code, power on your TV and remote, then hold down the ‘Setup’ button on the remote until the button blinks twice. Enter the code for your TV, then press ‘Enter’ on the remote. The LED will blink twice again to confirm that the code has been accepted. You should now be able to control your TV with the remote.

How do I pair my GE universal remote?

If you’re having trouble pairing your GE universal remote with your TV, there are a few things you can try. First, make sure that you’re within range of your TV (usually about 15 feet). If you’re still having trouble, try resetting your remote by pressing and holding down the ‘Setup’ button for about 15 seconds. After resetting, try pairing your remote with your TV again following the steps above.

Additional Resources

  • Articles and videos from Polaroid’s support page: https://www.polaroid.com/support
  • User manuals of both the remote control and television: Check manufacturer’s website for links to user manuals
  • Forum posts from other users who have had similar experiences: Various forums online, such as Reddit or Quora
Anis Shah
Anis Shahhttps://www.teckwiki.com/
Anis Shah is an experienced Electronics Technician with 6 years of professional experience in the field. He has a strong understanding of electronic devices and is skilled in repairing, maintaining, and troubleshooting various electronic systems. Anis loves to write about Electronics.


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