CV638H-E50 Firmware Free Download

CV638H-E50 Firmware Download: Hi, This is Anees Imran Technician, Today I am here with another Smart Universal LED TV Board Firmware. This is the tested and fully Okay firmware/software file, that can be easily downloaded from this site. Here are available some resolutions of CV638H-E50 Firmware like CV638H-E50 3840×2160 Coocaa and more. If you want to download this firmware then it is very easy to do, just go down and find the download button. We will try to avail more resolutions of CV638H-E50 Software, if you want more, please keep checking this post.

You are on teckwiki, this is a site about Electronics like LCD/LED TVs. Satellite receiver, Laptop/Computer, and many more. We provide All Types of Universal/Chinese/Brands Smart and Nonsmart LED TV Board Firmware/software files, Smart LED TV Board EMMC Connections/Pinouts, Schematic Diagrams, COF IC Datasheets, and many more things about Electronics. If you want to get any type of BIN file then you can search on this site. You will get everything free from this site. In this post, you can download easily CV638H-E50 Software.

CV638H-E50 Firmware Free Download
CV638H-E50 Firmware Free Download

CV338H-E50 Specifications

BrandSmart Universal Board
Ram4 and 8 GB
Rom8 and 4GB
OSAndroid 4.4
CPUDual Core
Ports2-USB/2-HDMI/AV and more
WifiAvailable Built-in

How To Update CV638H-E50 Firmware

Now, the question is How to Update the firmware in CV638H-E50 LED TV Board? It is very easy to install if you follow the proper guidance about this. So, if you want to install the firmware/software then we have discussed here some important points to install the firmware easily on this board.

1- First of All, You need a USB Disk, take it and get ready for the installation

2- Format the USB Disk at fat32 and then download the firmware file

3- After download, you will get a RAR file, Extract it using WinRAR Software

4- Now, You will get a folder find the Bin files named “MstarUpgrade.bin

5- If you’ve found the bin file, Copy it to your empty USB Disk and insert it into the board

6- Power on your TV and press the power button on the CV638H-E50 Smart Board

7- Now, Firmware will start updating. wait for some seconds

8- After waiting, when everything stops, Take your USB disk and start your LED TV.

CV638H-E50 Firmware Download

  • CV638H-E50-3840×2160-Coocaa | Download

Firmware Details:

PANDA LC546PU1L01, 3840 × 2160

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Anis Shah
Anis Shah
Anis Shah is an experienced Electronics Technician with 6 years of professional experience in the field. He has a strong understanding of electronic devices and is skilled in repairing, maintaining, and troubleshooting various electronic systems. Anis loves to write about Electronics.


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