CV638H-B42 Firmware Free Download

Hello Guys, Today on this post, I am here to provide CV638H-B42 Firmware/Software for free. I will give you CV638H-B42 Firmware All Resolutions in multiple remotes and resolutions. You can download this firmware/software from this site easily and freely, you don’t need to pay for this. If you want to download the firmware then please go download and download the firmware easily. We have availed here some free resolutions that are useful for you like CV638H-B42 in 1366×768 resolution and SANYO remote and more. This is a requested firmware/software file, but remember first to match this with your board and screen panel, then use it.

CV638H-B42 Firmware Free Download
CV638H-B42 Firmware Free Download

CV638H-B42 Firmware/Software Update

If you are new and you want to update/install firmware in CV638H-B42 Smart LED TV Board then you can do this easily. We have mentioned some important points below, please follow them and then install the firmware easily.

NOTE: We are not responsible for any damage loss during the installation of the firmware/software

1- Choose the exact firmware files according to your Screen panel’s resolution and download the files

2- After downloading, extract the files, you can use WinRAR to extract your files in a single BIN file

3- Now, after extract, you will get a BIN file named “CtvUpgrade.bin” This is the main file that you have to copy to a USB Disk drive

4- After copying the files, Insert USB Drive into the main (CV638H-B42) motherboard and Plugin the 220v power source

5- Now, Press the power key on the board and wait for some seconds, waiting for you will see the red led is started glowing

6- When it stops glowing/blinking remove the USB Disk drive and start your led tv using your remote

CV638H-B42 Software Free Download

Firmware Details:

T201804020A-CNC- SANYO -638H-B42-HV320WHB-N85-350MA-6KEY-6O-MOXXXXX-20180417102311

BOE HV320WHB-N85, 1366 x 768

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Anis Shah
Anis Shah
Anis Shah is an experienced Electronics Technician with 6 years of professional experience in the field. He has a strong understanding of electronic devices and is skilled in repairing, maintaining, and troubleshooting various electronic systems. Anis loves to write about Electronics.


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