HomeRepair MaterialAll LCD LED TV Firmware, Dump Files ColelctionCV828H-A Firmware Free Download (All Resolutions)

CV828H-A Firmware Free Download (All Resolutions)

Hi, This is Anees Imran Technician, Today In this topic I will give you CV828H-A Firmware for free. So, guys, many friends requested many times to provide CV828H-A firmware/software for free on teckwiki. So finally this is available here for free, you can download this software for free within some clicks. We have available some resolutions of CV828H A firmware like CV828H_A_3840x2160 and more.

CV828H-A Firmware Free Download
CV828H-A Firmware Free Download

How to Update CV828H A Firmware

You have to follow some easy steps to install the firmware. It is not difficult to install the firmware/software in the CV828H_A Smart LED TV board. But you must have the proper knowledge to install or update the firmware in your led tv board. So guys if you are new then I would not recommend you install/update the firmware. Let’s start with the steps one.

1- First, Take and USB and make it empty by formating it on fat32

2- Now, Download the firmware and extract it to get a BIN file (you can use WinRAR to extract the RAR file)

3- So Now you will get a folder open it and copy CtvUpgrade.bin file to the Disk

4- Insert USB DIsk to CV828H-A smart motherboard and then power on your led tv

5- After that, If your red indicator light is started glowing, then the software is started updating

6- When, everything stops, the led tv goes to standby, remove the USB and Start, LED TV is ready to use.

CV828H-A Firmware/Software Download

FirmwareDownload Link
CV828H-A 3840×2160Download
CV828H-A Firmware
CIBN_CIBN55M_MSD6A828-V2.1.1-20151102-LVG550EQYM1A CM2T0X-USB
Panel : UHD 3840x2160

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Anis Shah
Anis Shahhttps://www.teckwiki.com/
Anis Shah is an experienced Electronics Technician with 6 years of professional experience in the field. He has a strong understanding of electronic devices and is skilled in repairing, maintaining, and troubleshooting various electronic systems. Anis loves to write about Electronics.



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