Hi, Welcome guys to teckwiki.com Today in this latest post you will be able to download the VS.SP35821.2 Software for free from this website. We have tried our best to provide you the software in all the latest resolution files. Available here some useful and popular HD and Full-HD Resolutions files for the VS.SP35821.2 Software.
Guys, If you search on google, you will not find another best source for downloading this type of LCD/LED TV Firmware SOftware/ So we are the only one that is providing all types of FIrmware/Software files for free of cost. Also, we have uploaded all the files on the very heigh sped servers that provide direct download links for every software/ So similarly if you want to get the Software for VS.SP35821.2 LCD/LED TV Smartboard then you can check the table below.
VS.SP35821.2 Service Code
To open the Service Menu / Factory Menu of the VS.SP35821.2 Smart TV board. You need to first enter the VS.SP35821.2 Service Menu Code open it Please try the below code.
VS.SP35821.2 Service Code: Menu + 1147
All the VS.SP35821.2 Software files with download links are available below. You can easily download any file by clicking the download button. But make sure you are going to download and install the right and suitable firmware files on your TV. Otherwise, it will be dangerous for your TV.
Thanks for your latest post of VS.SP35821.2 Software, it’s first on web, i really appreciate your hard work i expect emmc pinout for VS.SP35821.2 pcb from you soon
Sure, and Thanks!
Thanks for the software, I am new in this. Appreciate your support.
Thanks! and welcome to our platform
Please provide vs.sp35822.2 firmwere
Please provide vs.sp65811.2 firmware
sir i need SP36821.5 512M 4GB FIRMWARE PLS HELP ME SIR