Hi, Welcome back to teckwiki.com So today In this post, I will give you CV338H-Q50 Firmware for free, some best and most useful resolutions are available here that can be downloaded easily with just in a click. Some friends, search on the internet for CV338H-Q50 firmware free download, software free download and some requested us on Facebook and WhatsApp to provide this software freely, so here is available. Here are available some resolutions of CV338H-Q50 Software for free, like CV338H_Q50 HAIEREUROPE V500DJ6_QE1. We will update this software and will add more software/firmware files in this post, so keep visiting to get more files for free. We also provide other Smart Led Tv Board Software files for free, just search here to get any Smart Universal Led Tv Board model software.
How to Update CV338H-Q50 Software
It is very easy to install or update software in CV338H-Q50 Smart Led Tv Board. If you want to update the software on this board then follow these steps to install it. If you are a beginner then don’t try to install it, if you do, we will not be responsible for any problem.
1- Download All the parts & extract them into a single folder, to get a BIN file
2- Take the USB Disk and format it on fat32, After formatting, Copy .BIN file to USB Disk
3- Now, Insert the USB disk into the board and plug in the main power switch
4- Press the main power button on the keyboard of your Led Tv and wait
5- After waiting some seconds, Red Light will start blinking (red to green and green to red)
6- When Led stops blinking, Remove the USB Disk and use your remote to start Led TV.
Download CV338H-Q50 Firmware Software
It is very easy to download this software, you have to follow some steps to download CV338H-Q50 Software for free. We’ve published a video on youtube to learn how to download software files from this site. After watching the video you will be able to download any software/firmware file from this website. Click the below button to watch the video.
Here are available some resolutions of CV338H-Q50 Software
Useful Links
- CV338H-U42 Software Free Download
- CV338H-D42 Software Free Download
- CV338H-T50 UHD Smart Board Software