Download CV358H-A50 Firmware Software [All Resolutions]

Having trouble with your CV358H-A50 TV? We’ve got you covered!

Looking for the right software or firmware for your CV358H-A50? You’ve come to the right place! We’ve gathered a collection of free downloads to help you get your TV running smoothly again.

No more searching high and low – all the software you need is right here, ready to download with just a click. Let’s get started!

CV358H-A50 Software Free Download
CV358H-A50 Software Free Download

How to Update Your LED TV Software

Important: Make sure to download the correct software for your TV’s screen size. You can find your screen’s resolution by searching its model number online.

What you’ll need:

  • A blank USB drive
  • The correct software for your TV


  1. Format your USB drive: Right-click on your USB drive, choose “Format,” and select “FAT32” as the file system.
  2. Prepare the software: Extract the software file (usually a .rar file) to get a .bin file.
  3. Copy the software: Copy the .bin file to your formatted USB drive.
  4. Connect the USB: Plug the USB drive into your TV’s motherboard.
  5. Power on the TV: Turn on your TV using the remote control.
  6. Wait for the update: A red light will start blinking on the TV. Wait until it stops blinking.
  7. Finish up: Safely remove the USB drive and enjoy your updated TV!

That’s it! Your TV’s software is now updated.

Download CV358H-A50 Firmware Software

Anis Shah
Anis Shah
Anis Shah is an experienced Electronics Technician with 6 years of professional experience in the field. He has a strong understanding of electronic devices and is skilled in repairing, maintaining, and troubleshooting various electronic systems. Anis loves to write about Electronics.


  1. My sony (CV358H-A50)but samsung Software update but tv not on. I WILL SAMSUNG remote or mother board problem


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